
September is Penticton Quilters’ Guild Membership Registration Month

Our Membership fee is $50.
This is an annual fee, and is subject to change.

Membership Form

On the Membership Registration Form you’ll notice there is a request for consent to distribute the Membership List to fellow members of the Guild.  It is intended for your convenience. 

When there are about 60 members in the Guild occasionally a name, phone number, address or e-mail contact is forgotten.  The list is for your reference. It is a confidential list and members are reminded of this fact.  If you do not want your information on this list, leave the consent portion only of the registration form blank.  Your wishes will be respected.

Again, this year, is the request for mentors for new Guild members.  This would be a one-year commitment to assist an individual who is new to the Guild and possibly new to quilting.  The Guild is involved with so many quilting activities, including a Quilt Show every 3 years, that it may be daunting for new members. As a group we are quilters who are welcoming, considerate and have various degrees of expertise. Let’s share that in   a more purposeful way.  Please offer to be a mentor.

Once again, we ask that you insert your registration form and the $50.00 fee in an unsealed envelope with just your name on the front (no stamp required), and bring to the September meeting. The envelope containing your membership card will be returned to you at the October meeting.

Thank you for your assistance in making registration run smoothly.

FELLOWSHIP – Meet and enjoy the company of other quilters

BRING AND BRAG – Display your copleted projects at our monthly meetings.

EDUCATION – Monthly classes featuring local and imported instructors

RESOURCES – A Lending Library with over 400 books plus numerous magazines.

NEWSLETTER – Monthly publication with reports, photos, announcements and meeting minutes

TRIENNIAL QUILT SHOW – Opportunity to display your treasured pieces

COMMUNITY SERVICE – Opportunity to donate to those in need through our Community Quilts project.

ANNUAL RETREAT – Enjoy 3-4 days of stress free sewing with friends.